Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Celebrate – This Week in Meridian

In the past few weeks there have been some amazing events in Meridian. We have had annual events like Dairy Days, the Blue Cruise, and this weekends Independence Day celebration. These events join activities like our CableONE Movie Night in Meridian, Concerts on Broadway, and Playin’ in the Plaza taking place in downtown Meridian. As our community grows there are many events that are growing with it, giving us much to celebrate in Meridian.

With so much going on, it can be difficult to keep track of the events and activities taking place in Meridian. In an effort to make this information available in a timely and fun way, this last month the City launched a new weekly webisode program called “This Week in Meridian.”

“This Week in Meridian” is a brief weekly video series that is designed to give you basic information about all the events going on in Meridian for the upcoming week. From community events and activities to important information about our wonderful community, these videos provide a way to easily access what is taking place in Meridian via the City of Meridian website or on our Facebook Page. You can also find much of this information on the electronic reader board located on Meridian Road at City Hall.

In addition to providing important information about what is taking place in Meridian, it is also a great way to introduce our community to the City Staff members who are dedicated to serving in Meridian. Each week there will be a new City employee who will be presenting this information.

We hope by rotating hosts through out the weeks and months you will get to know the employee that you might see at one of these events in our community or interact with the next time you are at City Hall. In addition, you will be able to see what I already know – City of Meridian employees are second to none and they share the same passion for our community that you have.

I hope you find this resource beneficial as we are providing another way for you to get engaged in our community. With so many great events, many of which are at no cost to attend and provide opportunity’s to enjoy an outdoor evening celebrating with friends, families, and neighbors, we want you to know what is taking place “This Week in Meridian.”

If you have an event to be featured in the future or have a request for a host, I want to hear about it. Email me at; together we can celebrate all that makes Meridian the premier place to live, work and raise a family.

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